Drama ensued on Instagram in the early hours of today as Mabel, interior designer/wife of comedian Ayo ‘AY’ Makun, called out heavily pregnant socialite and Iyanya’s ex-girlfriend, Freda Francis.
Freda had her Push Party (baby shower) in Ikoyi, Lagos on Sunday
evening and AY was one of the guests present there. After a photo he
took with Freda and a friend surfaced online, Mabel who appeared to have
saved some screenshots of an incriminating chat between her husband and
Freda in the past, called Freda out and warned her to stay way from her
AY is a multi-award-winning Nigerian actor, comedian,
radio and T.V presenter, actor, writer, director and MC. Born on August
19, He hails from Ifon, Ose local government in Ondo State but prefers
to be known as a ‘Warri boy’. He is the host of the A.Y live shows and
A.Y comedy skits. His first movie, 30 Days in Atlanta was produced by him and directed by Robert O. Peters. He was made a U.N Peace Ambassador in 2009 after winning six awards in 2008. He is the C.E.O of Corporate World Entertainment Nigeria.
He married Mabel in 2008 and they have a daughter together.
Here are the screenshots Mabel posted on her Instagram page.
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